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특별히 준비해 오실 것은 없지만 각 학교의 입학 담당자와 직접 만나 상담할 기회가 있으므로 관심 있는 학교들이 있다면 미리 리스트를 만들어 보시고 사전 조사를 하신 후 평소 궁금하셨던 점들을 영어로 준비해 오시면 좋습니다.
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QS 세계 대학원 박람회
QS 세계 대학원 박람회
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QS 세계 대학원 박람회
Lotte Hotel Seoul
Please answer the following questions to check if you are eligible to register for this event.
What level of study are you interested in?
Please select an intended study level
What is your country of residence?
Please provide your country of residence
Register for QS Event
Start your registration by entering your email ID.
By continuing you accept the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy of QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited.
Select your preferred option:
What is your name?
Where are you currently studying?
Or where have you previously studied?
Please select up to 6 subjects studied
Please select at least one subject
Where are you currently studying?
Or where did you most recently study?
Please select a previous location
What is your highest level of study?
Or what are you studying currently?
Please select your qualification level
When will you graduate from your Bachelor's degree?
Or when did you graduate from your Bachelor's degree?
Please provide your year of graduation
What is your GPA (Grade Point Average)?
GPA 또는 Grade Point Average는 코스에서 평균 점수를 나타냅니다. 정확한 GPA를 제공하려면 환산 계산기를 사용하세요Click here for an example
Please provide your GPA score
How many years of professional experience do you have?
학사 학위 취득 후 경력
Please tell us how many years of work experience you have
Please note years of work experience is counted from the time when you graduated from your undergrad. Industrial placements, working student experience and internships are considered alongside this as auxiliary experience, however, should not be included in the figure here.
What's your current or most recent professional role?
Senior Executive Management includes any role that regularly interfaces with an organization’s board of directors and other primary stakeholders such as investors. Executive Management includes any role that is visible to the board of directors. Middle Management includes any role in a large organization that reports to executive management, have multiple teams reporting to them and/or are high level advisors with no direct reports. Management roles includes any role that directs and controls functions in an organization, and that is responsible for managing the performance of employees. Managers & Advisors includes any role that is non-management job functions at the same level as management. Staff includes any role that is a working level employee who produce the outputs of an organisation.
Senior Executive Management includes any role that regularly interfaces with an organization’s board of directors and other primary stakeholders such as investors. Executive Management includes any role that is visible to the board of directors. Middle Management includes any role in a large organization that reports to executive management, have multiple teams reporting to them and/or are high level advisors with no direct reports. Management roles includes any role that directs and controls functions in an organization, and that is responsible for managing the performance of employees. Managers & Advisors includes any role that is non-management job functions at the same level as management. Staff includes any role that is a working level employee who produce the outputs of an organisation.
Please tell us your role level
What is your management experience?
인력 관리 또는 프로젝트 관리 등 모든 매니지먼트 경험을 의미합니다.
Please tell us your management experience
In what industry do you work in?
What is your English proficiency level
Please indicate your english proficiency
Upload CV, Resume or LinkedIn in English
It is optional for you to upload a CV, but it will increase chances of connection with some universities.
Upload File
You can upload them later as well if you don't have them on hand right now.
In what location would you like to study?
Please select up to 6 future study location(s)
Please select at least one future study location
What field of study are you interested in and at what level?
Please select up to 6 subjects
Please select at least one subject of interest
What level of study are you interested in?
Please select an intended study level
What type of programme are you interested in?
Full Time
Part Time
Online / Distance
Full-time 1 year
Full-time 2 years
Part-time weekend / evening
Part-time Executive
Distance / Online
Please select at least one preferred program type
What specialisation(s) are you interested in?
Please select up to 6 specialisations
Please select at least one specialisation
When are you planning to enrol?
Please provide when you are planning to enrol
How are you funding your studies?
Please provide how you are funding your studies
Yearly tuition budget?
Please provide your yearly tuition budget
To complete your registration and to enable you to keep your details up to date you must provide a password for your account.
Please provide a password of at least 6 characters long
Please confirm your password
Would you like the academic profile you have shared with QS to be matched with other QS partner universities?
They may reach out to you with information about their programs.
Please provide an answer above
I am happy to receive communication and useful resources from QS that are related to my study preferences and event interests.
I agree to receive email and phone communications from QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd.
about study interests, including newsletters, events, scholarships, rankings,
academic counselling, and other relevant opportunities. My personal data will be used per the QS Privacy Policy.
I am happy to receive messages from participating institutions related to my QS Events registration.
I am happy to receive messages from institutions, media partners and other third parties of QS outside of QS events.
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Once complete you will be automatically forwarded to your confirmation page